GBI Applauds City of Chicago for Updates to Sustainable Development Policy

GBI’s Green Globes Journey to Net Zero included as certification alongside Green Globes.

Portland, Ore., July 10, 2024 – The Green Building Initiative (GBI) congratulates the Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) for the release of its updated Chicago Sustainable Development Policy (SDP) that promotes sustainable building strategies for all city-assisted construction and rehabilitation projects through an inclusive and solutions-based approach. The SDP is a point-based system that offers a variety of options under several thematic categories that may be used for compliance. GBI’s Green Globes® certification continues to offer credit for the achievement of Three Green Globes (85 points) and Four Green Globes (90 points). GBI’s Green Globes Journey to Net Zero™ (JNZ) certification offers 95 points in the latest iteration.  

“The City of Chicago continues to lead in the development of sustainable, healthy, and resilient buildings under guidance of the Sustainable Development Policy that promotes an open market and encourages project teams to select strategies that make sense for their building,” stated Vicki Worden, GBI President & CEO. “Green Globes has always served as a comprehensive, transparent and performance-based certification, and we are pleased with the addition of GBI’s Green Globes Journey to Net Zero, to assess progress and certify those achieving net zero energy and net zero carbon.”

The 2024 update includes input from more than 150 interested parties and organizations, including design professionals, developers, community and advocacy organizations, government officials, attorneys and nonprofits. GBI has worked with the City of Chicago for over a year on the update of the policy by providing resources and education. As the third largest city in the United States, the Chicago Sustainable Development Policy has tremendous impact on the built environment and the achievement of local, federal, and global climate goals. GBI has certified 31 million square feet of commercial and multifamily real estate with Green Globes in the City of Chicago, 40 million square feet in the state of Illinois and nearly 700 million square feet globally.

GBI’s reputation for excellence has been earned by applying a tailored approach to certification. Green Globes is a science based whole building certification improves the sustainability, health, and resilience of commercial real estate with an emphasis on rigor over rigidity. Green Globes Journey to Net Zero advances decarbonization in the global built environment by empowering all commercial real estate owners to evaluate performance and implement impactful change. GBI pairs project teams with highly qualified third-party assessors from the earliest stages of their efforts through onsite assessment and walk-through and delivery of a customized final certification report.

GBI is pleased to offer education and support to interested A/E/C firms, sustainability consultants and building owners pursuing Green Globes certification. Please contact to schedule a meeting or presentation.