Green Globes Journey to Net Zero™ Certification

GBI’s Green Globes Journey to Net Zero™ certification advances decarbonization in the global built environment by empowering all commercial real estate owners to evaluate performance and implement impactful change.

Start the Journey to Net Zero

Green Globes Journey to Net Zero™ (JNZ) is designed to evaluate current site Energy Use Intensity (EUI) and/or carbon emissions (CO2e) for any building on the pathway to net zero.
The program encourages all building owners – whether just getting started or having made significant progress – to evaluate and report on their journey, ensuring transparency.
Start Your Assessment

Journey to Net Zero Energy

Track and reduce your building’s energy consumption through our comprehensive EUI measurement system.

Achieve a balance between the energy consumed and the energy generated from low to zero-emission sources like solar, hydro, geothermal, and wind.

Journey to Net Zero Carbon

Track and reduce your buildings carbon emissions and transform your building’s environmental impact.

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by leveraging low-to-zero emissions energy sources and life-cycle thinking.


Achieved once a project demonstrates at least a 50% reduction.


Achieved when a building demonstrates 100% reduction in one of the measures.

Decarbonizing the built environment

Program Benefits

Green Globes Net Zero Calculator

Our intuitive calculator helps you track both energy consumption and carbon emissions, providing clear metrics and actionable insights for your decarbonization journey.

Green Globes Net Zero Assessment

Expert assessors evaluate your building’s performance, offering detailed feedback and recommendations to optimize your path to net zero certification.

GBIs Renowned Support

Access our dedicated team of sustainability experts, comprehensive technical resources, and proven methodologies to guide your project’s success.

Progress Report

Monitor your achievements with detailed progress reports that highlight key metrics, showcase improvements, and identify opportunities for further optimization.


Program Methodology

A deep dive into the processes and methodology

View Document

Preview the User-friendly Software

A step-by-step walk-through of the Net Zero Calculator


Download The Program Overview


Register Your Building or Portfolio

Evaluate your progress on the Green Globes Journey to Net Zero™ certification.


Provide us with your basic project information by creating an account and receive a quote for Green Globes third-party assessment and certification.

Get Started