Rebecca Mirsky



Rebecca Mirsky is an environmental engineer with over 20 years of experience in the construction industry. Her professional interests involve environmental aspects related to the built environment. Chief among them are energy-efficient and ‘green construction methods and materials, both in commercial/industrial and residential applications. Other specific interests are “clean construction”; reduction and recycling of construction waste; erosion control and stormwater management; dust and noise control; and sustainable land use planning.

She first became involved with green building certification as a LED accredited professional, and served for two years on the board of the Idaho Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council. As a faculty member with the Department of Construction Management at Boise State University, her primary role as a LED AP was educational, and she developed and taught undergraduate and non-credit continuing education courses in sustainable building science, green building methods, and LED exam prep.

After retiring from teaching, Dr. Mirsky wanted to stay current and active in the evolution of green building. The role of Green Globes Assessor was a perfect fit, allowing her to combine her construction industry experience with academic skills in technical analysis and report writing. “I learn something new with each project assessment and I’m continually energized and impressed by the dedication and resourcefulness of everyone I work with from project team members, to my fellow assessors, and all the professionals who make up the Green Building Initiative,” she says.

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