Green Globes for New Construction 2024 Achieves Approval as American National Standard

Portland, Ore., August 29, 2024 – The Green Building Initiative (GBI) announces the approval of ANSI/GBI 01-2024: Green Globes Assessment Protocol for Design, New Construction, and Major Renovations by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on August 19, 2024. Following ANSI approval, GBI’s Board of Directors voted unanimously on August 20, 2024, to approve and publish ANSI-GBI 01-2024, also known as Green Globes for New Construction 2024. Project teams seeking Green Globes for NC 2024 certification may now register and access the newest module.

“GBI continues to lead in the delivery of consensus-and science-based standards with the release of Green Globes for New Construction 2024,” stated Vicki Worden, GBI President & CEO. “This latest revision to GBI’s new construction standard upholds our commitment to rigorous yet accessible certification programs for projects worldwide.”

Notable updates to Green Globes NC 2024 include:

  • Pathways for Energy Performance using the following:
    • ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1, Appendix G
    • Performance – International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
    • Performance – ENERGY STAR® Benchmarking in Target Finder
    • Performance – ASHRAE Building EQ
    • Performance – Net Zero Carbon or Energy Certification
    • Prescriptive
  • Pathways for Water Consumption using the Green Globes Water Reduction Calculator
  • Additional points for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
  • Updated Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment criteria
  • Revised criteria on Sustainable Materials Index (SMI)

Green Globes for New Construction 2024 underwent three open public comment periods. Three hundred and twenty comments and proposals were reviewed and processed in 39 public subcommittees, task group, and Consensus Body meetings during the continuous maintenance cycle that began in spring 2022. Over 30 stakeholders from a variety of disciplines participated in the development process American Wood Council, U.S. EPA, IAPMO, Hoeffer Welker, and American Lung Association among many others.

Criteria have also been updated to align with new references and standards, including the ASTM E2921-22 Standard Practice for Minimum Criteria for Comparing Whole Building Life Cycle Assessments for Use with Building Codes, Standards, and Rating Systems, ANSI/IES RP-43-21, Recommended Practice: Lighting Exterior Applications, and ICC 2021 International Energy Conservation Code to name a few. Criteria also align with minimum requirements updates for all Green Globes programs that were adopted by the GBI board on May 24, 2024.  

With the 2024 version completed, GBI will begin its revision in the fall of 2024, following a two-year continuous maintenance cycle. “Our Green Globes continuous maintenance allows GBI to stay in stride with new technology available in the market and constantly advancing baselines,” said Sara Rademacher, GBI’s VP, Programs & Operations.

Registration is now available for project teams interested in certifying their commercial buildings and/or portfolios with Green Globes for NC 2024. Interested parties may create a project to view criteria, scoring matrices, and assessment guidance and interact with the online questionnaire.

To review the Standard and to participate in the next round of revisions to ANSI/GBI 01-2024: Green Globes Assessment Protocol for Design, New Construction, and Major Renovations click here.