Journey to Net Zero™ Pilot Registration Form

Pilot Registration

GBI invites all types of buildings and portfolios to pilot both Journey to Net Zero™ (JNZ). Those interested in piloting should complete the below form and EULA.

Once submitted, project teams will be assigned a GBI Project Manager, and when ready for validation, a third-party Green Globes Assessor will confidentially review building or portfolio data, input the data into GBI’s Green Globes Net Zero Calculator (beta version), and provide a report containing the results and personalized recommendations for improvement.

Projects that meet minimum requirements and that have completed third-party validation of their achievement level will be eligible for recognition under the Green Globes Net Zero Energy and/or Green Globes Net Zero Carbon programs.

Pilot registration is available through March 31, 2024. Please contact with any questions.

Select the pilot program(s) you would like to participate in::(Required)

User Agreements

For your application to be considered, you must read and accept the Green Globes® Assessment & Certification Agreement, GBI Website User Agreement and Green Globes® Net Zero Calculator End User License Agreement.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Provide us with your basic project information by creating an account and receive a quote for Green Globes third-party assessment and certification.

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